Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Japanese Irises in The Swale

Wow. The white Japanese irises (Iris ensata) in Sheena and Terry's garden (in the swale-to-be) are busting out in full bloom. This is significant because we watched them dwindle away in the lower garden, where I now submit they were gradually overwhelmed by cedar roots. We were starting to talk nostalgically about the last time they bloomed.

Japanese irises are particlularly gorgeous and unusual because the blooms are flat.

Then, last year, I transplanted them into the new beds out front, where we are transforming the gravel pit into a swale garden (see entry on May 18 2010). They definitely have wet feet out here, since the water table reaches the surface this time of year. And they love it.

Here's the before-shot, from this May:

And here's one month's growth, in this crazy wet year:

That's a white hydrangea on the far left, followed by the white variegated leaf of the redtwig dogwood, Cornus sericea. There's a human leg, for scale, in the pic below.

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