Little Helpers |
This beach mandala happened this
evening on Wreck Beach, famous for naked people and sheer bliss.
When I make beach mandalas, I follow a few simple rules:
I must only use materials found onsite.
Um, I think that's the only rule.
Oh ya: and anyone who wants to help is welcome.
materials at the centre of the mandala and worked outward with increasingly sturdy bits. The rugged seaworthy bush in the background (must look that up) is slightly prickly and pungent, and part of the perimeter.
By the time the wild roses, feathers and beach grasses were in place, I had a troop of little helpers scouring the dunes for bark and driftwood. Here they are, pushing the final berm of sand into place. I also had a lovely gentleman of the discreetly naked variety drift by with a rose, a bit of driftwood.
So fun.
Try making one, somewhere. Doesn't have to be on a beach. I'd love it if mandalas starting appearing everywhere.
Happy Solstice.