Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Prayer Flag(ging) the Raspberry Canes

Had a lovely white Christmas up in the Shuswap--here's a neighbour's raspberry patch, looking decorous against the snow. Not sure if all that flagging tape is a visual aid for party-crashing deer, or if it's just what he had on hand to tie in the canes... (This concludes the mandatory botanical content in this posting.)

Spent much time tramping back and forth through the snow en route to various cozy kitchens/wood stoves/good company, and skiing at Larch Hills and Sun Peaks (below) with the extended family...

Also learned how to ice skate with a hockey stick, make curry and mix White Russians. Happy New Year. My topmost resolution is not to pay any(more) library fines this year. The rest of the list is personal, so there blogo-wiki-leaky-sphere. Bless. One love and prosper.

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