Saturday, November 14, 2009

Last Leg to Christmas Rose 2009...

Yea, tho the sun sets on the season's roses, I do yet persevere.
Not sure where my up-til-now secret obsession came from, but, where the prospects look promising, I deign from dead-heading if I think the plant will eke out a bud or bloom for Christmas. I'm sure it's symbolic, perhaps a medieval hangover. (Also been known to bellow "More Meade!" round this time of year. Awkward, in Starbucks.)
Anyways, we all know that evergreen "Christmas" trees/garlands/decorations etc. are all pagan rituals that The Church appropriated. I'm not saying I'm pagan--I'm just saying these are the things that you learn/investigate if you do a humanities degree. And now, as the tradesperson I am destined (by virtue of my humanities degree) to be, I understand the many dimensions of gardening.
More Meade!
The point being: decorating one's home with signs of life and light in the dead of winter simply sustains the spirit. (On the other hand, plastic Christmas trees in tropical countries are sheer corporate triumph.)
So! Last Leg to Christmas Rose 2009! I will provide photo evidence of the finalists.

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