Friday, November 6, 2009

Diverting Run-Off!!

This is super-exciting for people (Roswitha...) trying to figure out how to divert water on sloping driveways; i.e., away from house foundations, toward drain.
Instead of unsightly sandbags (insert info-mercial panning & zoom-ins here) you too can have neat little trowelled concrete mini-berms installed in critical locations. (Here, around metal electronic-gate plates on interlocking driveway.)
Get your mini-berms now. Before the el nino winter of floods and tempests and no snow for the Olympics.
The Olympics. Diverting public funds away from the foundations of a civil society and down a corporate drain in a city near you.*
*Note: the opinions unrelated to gardening represented in this blog will not affect the quality of garden work done and are of no concern to people who pay me.

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