Here it is in bloom n' pod. I'm aaalmost 6 feet tall, so that's me for scale.

Bean wigwams do work better than bean teepees, I have to say. Is much easier to walk inside and gather beans within a curved dome.

Sunflowers are nice any which way...
One day, a man and his son were walking by on the street and they looked inside our gate at the garden, saying 'hey it's like another world in there!'
Ya, here we are, in our own little world :) :)

So I should mention that the large mass of greenery-going-to seed in the right front portion of the photo above is a patch of Epazote--a Mexican herb grown from seed (from friend Monica Juhas). These plants grew a couple inches tall last year, survived the mild winter, and launched sky-ward this year. A handful of fresh epazote leaves are added to beans (the mexican-style dried beans) while cooking to reduce 'gassiness.' Now, I've asked the Mexican guys who habituate around here if they've heard of it and they just say they eat so many beans they don't get gas from them at all. Well la-de-dah.
I feel a little lame that I haven't even experimented with epazote yet. What am I waiting for? I guess I've been a little busy eating Scarlet Runner beans, fresh-up.
From inside the geodesic bean-dome....
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