Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Proof that I am in a Motorcycle Gang

So yeah. I now qualify for the Sunday a.m. Lonsdale Beans biker gang.

Closer to the truth: I got waved down (again) by the local Ruckus maestro-mechanic known as Drew. Since January (the last time I got pulled over by the Maestro), Drew has continued to morph his formerly-known-as-Ruckus machine into something that closely resembles a down-sized Harley. The fact that an original Ruck (mine), a real-deal Harley, and the machine were parked side-by-side at the same time, within the same dimension, was definitely worth a pic.

Drew has a few tips for The Scoot, after which I'm sure I'd have to change it's name. The machine can go, hmm, a bit faster.

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