North Vancouver has a
Car-Free Day!!
Agh--because I am a gardening workaholic with permanently tuned to a certain event in South Africa, I didn't hear until Friday that Car-Free Day has finally crossed the inlet...on Sunday! The streets around Lower Lonsdale will be full of fuel-free festivities.
As the Scooter-Gardener, formerly known as the Bicycle-Gardener, this calls for immediate and drastic action. I've hauled out the three bicycle-paintings I did in the depths of winter. I don't quite know what I'll do with them, but they seem appropriate. Here's one. The rest are in the sidebar and at the bottom of the page.

I've hauled out my baby-carriage-converted-into-a-bicycle-trailer. (I was considering a
One Less Baby bumper sticker, but this may be obscure humour. You have to be familiar with the popular
One Less Car bicycle-sticker.) I will fill said trailer with flowers and pedal the whole rig downtown.
I'm feeling like my vocation is still pretty
fringe, despite my workaholic status
. Obviously, there's enough of a niche out there for gardeners who don't run truck-operations. The savings in overhead are phenomenal, and some of those savings are passed on to customers. There are countless other benefits--all the
Car-Free benefits--and it's not as difficult as you'd think to run a two-wheeled operation. You get better at logistics, organization, co-operation...
I think it's training for a energy-conservation future: one that I am not particularly afraid of. Everyone seems to dread an assault on our lifestyle, but I can see a healthier and more vibrant community evolving around more careful energy management.