Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Countdown...

The calls are comin' in...and the Harley/Scooter/Bicycle-Gardener rides again. (I know, it's getting complicated.)

Little Lungworts luring the Hummingbirds north in Daphne's garden...(Lungwort is also known as Pulmonaria--so lets agree to call it that from now on.)
It's amazing the difference a week makes! Granted, the previous snowy entry was from a last-weekend-of-semi-hibernation trip up to the Shuswap (400 km northeast) for a gathering of the clan. Still snow up there, but warm, with birds singing, and enough thaw for my niece to make mud pies in the snow banks while I chopped wood. The birds weren't singing here until this past weekend either.

So, winter pruning is finished in most gardens and I'm moving on to general clean-ups/soil amending/perennial dividing/transplanting/new plantings etc. etc.! Hmm. Suddenly I feel busy...

How wonderful that the world is blooming again. Sending some of this good energy to places in the world that need it...Japan...Libya...

2 days to Spring!

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