Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Some people take this bicycle-gardening thing so literally...

I walked into Trims in Edgemont Village on Saturday (a very rainy day) and saw this bit of artistry. These are all imitation plants--except for the moss.
What a fabulous shop--more like a botanical boudoir than...whatever it's supposed to be. Maybe it is a botanical boudoir.
That would explain the peep-hole behind the paeonies.
Trims sells only imitation plants--very nice ones, but I always wonder who in the world buys imitation plants?? Maybe theatre people. (The store is definitely in the vintage-theatrical-botanical curiousity shoppe genre.) Maybe cemetary people--that would explain the headstone.
Your local gothic-vintage-theatrical-botanical curio supply store. I bought a fake-foliage boa out of sheer gratitude for the pics above.

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