Wednesday, April 25, 2012

And a year (almost) goes by...

--Front boulevard weed-fest, Summer/11--
Hi! Yes, that was a bit of a gap between posts.Apparently, 'twas a dormant period whilst life took a twist and a turn. This is a good thing.
I moved from my sweet little suite into a shared house last summer, lured by a large neglected garden with very very nice bones. I was possessed from the start, even going before I moved in to start mowing down the weeds.
Finally, after 15 years professionally gardening on the north shore, I have a garden to 'play' in! ( Driftwood Moongate with the magnificent Magnolia kobus sailing up behind.)

I waited all winter to see what this tree can do...

...And am doggedly pursuing a vision not yet realized...with the help of various housemates and friends (garden credits will roll) transform this...
Aug/11--Front walkway--
Aug/11--Looking down to left from top of walkway--

Aug/11--Tiered walls in back garden--

Aug/11--Back garden courtyards-- this...
Sept/11 this...

Yes, this is a rental, but other obsessive gardeners out there would understand this. Scooter-gardeners can't afford to buy real estate in North Vancouver/ownership is over-rated (don'tcha think??) and have I not --have I not--landed in a little paradise? Tell me that.

 Many more pictures to follow...Bless all things green & growing, herb-circles, firepits, horse poo, found junk that turns into garden-bed edging, trees that drop leaves for mulch, the human beans that come and go...

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