Monday, April 4, 2011

Yellow Tree, Blue Tree...Red Tree

I'm seeing these Cornelian-cherry dogwoods everywhere, ever since I commented on them in an earlier post. So ya, edible fruit. July-ish. Pretty tree--and I've been seeing them as street trees and around condos. They bloom at the same time as forsythia--the scrambly shrub everyone loves for its early showy yellow bouquets. Tends to out-shine the Cornelian-cherry, which accounts for my not taking much notice in the past, but you can't eat forsythia so..!

Can't miss these...

Love it. On the corner of 14th and Marine in West Van, Australian artist Konstantin Dimopoulos has just installed this "environmental performance art" called The Blue Trees. They're going to bloom, hopefully before the rain washes all the water-base paint off. I want to paint myself blue and stand next to them with a pink umbrella. I want to have a picnic under them on a blue blanket. I want a flock of bluebirds to land in them.

**next day**

I couldn't resist adding a "Red Tree" to my Dr. Seuss list...

This is the Coralbark maple/Acer japonicum 'Sango Kaku/Senkaki' with the bright red new growth of Photinia x fraseri behind.

Also in John and Margot's garden, the Katsura tree/Cercidiphyllum japonicum below flushes out reddish, and the leaves shift blue-green later in the season.

Liquid sunshine after a cold deluge all morning!

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