Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Little Spring Advance...

Hallelujah Helleborus! (Never thought I'd see "hallelujah" and "hell" in the same sentence.) A chorus of Helleborus in Sue and Hugh's garden, in a rare and revitalizing sunshower this week. Soak up your Vitamin D while you can!

Here's some more medicine for your eyeballs: crocus! crocus! crocus! (I've gone a little mad but there is hope.)

This garden is very sea-level and southern-exposed, so is farther ahead than the mountain-side perches of us valley/treeline dwellers. It's nice to lose elevation and gain some sanity when there's a break in the weather.

I'm posting the following pics of a Cornus mas/Corneliancherry Dogwood because I've noticed in the past few years that these are prolific fruiting trees--edible too. They bear a multitude of small oblong red drupes that everyone seems to ignore.

However, thanks to my googling skills, I learn that they taste like a cross between cranberry and sourcherry, and are therefore used for syrups/jams, and various beverages in Eastern European and Middle Eastern countries. Also of note, Corneliancherries are not fully ripe and flavourful until they drop, which makes foraging a little difficult. Unless you lay a tarp under a tree and shake it...? I wonder if North Vancouverites could find them, dried and salted, in local Persian food stores?
Anyways, if you see a tree around like this, go back and visit it in mid-July and see for yourself!

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