Sunday, September 5, 2010

Crazy Beautiful

Here is my lily bulb that finally decided to bloom. For two+ years, the amaryllis-like bulb threw out a few long lancy leaves and remained as such, winter and summer. Finally, this summer I placed its pot in a pan of water outside while I went away for a holiday. When I returned, I left it in the pan another week because it looked happy. When I retrieved it to put it back on my windowsill, I saw this new development...
There is something wonderful about a mysterious plant deciding to bloom. You feel as if it has finally decided to show up for your party. It has accepted your invitation.

The four buds continued to stretch skyward, one pair larger than the other. Then, I happened home one evening and discovered this...
After two+ years transplanted in its foreign home, the lily had the courtesy to choose the certain hour of day that I would be here to watch it unfold...

Have you ever heard a lily bud release the bond between petals and unfold? It is the sound of a silk egg ripping.
As soon as this happened, a scent filled the room; sweet, like a perfume called White Lily should be.
At this point, with the aid of a vintage black wool coat, my camera took me places I'd never been before. I am unabashedly in love with these photos...

Welcome to the Western World, Lily! Here it is in front of a painting I did about two+ years ago, inspired by the lily's origins. Hard to tell where Lily ends and imagination begins...

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