This is Rose's newly-completed pool-deck, a portion of a very chi-chi garden which I have infiltrated (obviously, I blend right in) under the guise of helping Mike: fellow gardener/philosopher and, I believe, a former dashiki-wearer.
When Rose is not force-feeding us freezies, ordering us to jump off the dock into the inlet, or alternatively, shoving me under the outdoor shower "to cool off" ( I think she was super-excited to show us everything) she's raving about her garden. Which is wonderful. But we still want Dan to come back. We love you, Dan.
I'm not joking, either, about the pre-formed concrete, because I do think the radiant heat, combined with an irrigation system, may be the ideal conditions for canna lilies. I do not lie--they were a few little leaves in one-gallon-size pots when we planted them in late May/early June. We're especially pleased with the tricky spot below, where the cannas and Red Baron grass (Imperata cylindrica) are squashed into a narrow space and also hiding some kind of mechanical box in the centre of the planter. The edge of the planter doubles as a pool-side bench, so we had to choose something that wouldn't flop over.
I actually think dashikis look great on people (my orange one is huge so I look like an enormous butterfly...) and I think we should start a trend. Dashikis are, hands down, the most comfortable garden-wear ever, conclusively, period.
OK, I had to Wikipedia 'dashiki'...... but now I am 'in the know'.......